
Embracing Sustainability: 100% Recycled Plastic Cargo Bike Boxes

At Black Iron Horse, we’re all about supporting local communities and reducing our carbon footprint. Our bike frames hail from European craftsmanship, with steel sourced from Northern Europe. 

But that’s not all; every Black Iron Horse bike is meticulously designed and assembled in the heart of Copenhagen. Local production has been a cornerstone of our identity since 1996.

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*Different box colour variations

Local and Sustainable Production: Our European Roots


At Black Iron Horse, we’re all about supporting local communities and reducing our carbon footprint. Our bike frames hail from European craftsmanship, with steel sourced from Northern Europe. But that’s not all; every Black Iron Horse bike is meticulously designed and assembled in the heart of Copenhagen. Local production has been a cornerstone of our identity since 1996.

Repurposed Plastics:

A Unique Commitment to Sustainability


When it comes to recycling, our cargo boxes steal the show. Crafted right here in Denmark, these cargo boxes are constructed from 100% recycled plastic, making them not only eco-friendly but one-of-a-kind.

We recognize that cargo boxes are often the heaviest plastic component of a cargo bike, which is why we’ve taken the extra step to ensure they’re produced as sustainably as possible.

*100% recycled plastics

Plastic Molding: The Magic Behind Our Eco-Friendly Cargo Boxes


Enter the fascinating world of plastic molding, where waste materials are transformed into the stunning cargo boxes adorning our bikes. All of our cargo boxes, including those from the Polly, Pony, and Ibex lines, are expertly crafted by Dansk Rotations Plastic (DRP), specialists in molding a diverse range of products. The DRP factory, conveniently located in Sjaelland, is just a stone’s throw away from our own production site, helping us keep our carbon footprint as small as possible.

Our waste materials are sourced from challenging-to-recycle sources, including fishing nets, artificial grass, and agricultural netting. This diversity results in a stunning array of colors for our cargo boxes, which are not only visually appealing but also incredibly eco-friendly.

*Hard to recycle materials used to make the boxes

The Process: From Waste to Cargo Box

1. First, the collected waste is ground into a finer mixture, resulting in the unique hues of our cargo boxes, as waste colors differ.

2. Next, this mixture is poured into molds specially designed to create the cargo boxes for our bikes.

3. The molds are then heated to around 240 degrees for roughly 30 minutes, slowly reducing speed and temperature towards the end to create firm shapes.

4. After cooling down, the result is a sturdy and lightweight cargo box that’s not only secure but also exceptionally sustainable to produce.

*Finished box in our dedicated mold

With Black Iron Horse cargo bikes, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. Join us in riding the green wave towards a more eco-friendly future!



The process described by one of the founders:


Black Iron Horse

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